What Lifestyle Habits lead to Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer remains among the top ailments that many people are grappling with globally. As the word oral suggests, it is a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away. This type of cancer mainly infects the mouth and the oral cavity area. The risks of contracting oral cancer vary depending on different factors. However, human lifestyle habits are found to be leading the way in increasing the infections. 

The significant risk factors to cancer incidence are mainly the modifiable health behaviors among individuals who are not keen on maintaining healthy lifestyles. Though the risk factors may not be directly linked to contracting cancer, it is believed they increase exposure and make one highly susceptible, begging the desire to know the types of oral cancer that exist and their treatment.

Lifestyle Habits Associated with Oral Cancer 

Quite a several lifestyle habits have been associated with oral cancer. These habits may range from certain behavior or continued use of uncalled-for substances. It has also been established that oral cancer may also infect people from families with cancer infection histories, but doctors at redondodentalcenter.com can explain better. 

Excessive Alcohol Consumption 

Alcohol consumption is a lifestyle habit that is very common in male gender. However, this is not enough to conclude why oral cancer is more prone to men than women. The more one drinks alcohol, the greater they put themselves into the risk of contracting oral cancer. 

Tobacco Use


Most types of oral cancers have been directly linked to the continued use of tobacco. All the cigars that include cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco have a way of putting one in too much risk of developing oral cancer. The combined use of tobacco and alcohol drinking multiplies the disease's risk and makes one even more vulnerable. 

Tobacco smoking is said to increase your susceptibility to the cancer of the lip. Another smoking habit that entails smokeless tobacco products is said to cause cancer of the cheeks' gums and inner lining. 

Feeding Habits 

Poor feeding habits have been credited as the cause of the surge of many lifestyle diseases. These habits also have a hand in causing oral cancer. People who feed more on foods that have fewer vegetables and fruits are said to put themselves in the risk of developing oral cancer. Thus, it is advisable to pay great attention to our diets and feed more on vegetables that contain substances like carotenoids linked with a lower risk of oral cancer.

Too Much Intake of Hot Beverages 

It is no secret many people have the habit of ordering hot beverages. Health experts warn against it as a bad lifestyle habit. The hot beverage may bring damage to the cells found in the mouth, which may eventually develop into a severe case of oral cancer. 

Regular and planned visits to your doctor will always help in detecting signs of oral cancer early. It also provides a greater chance to undertake oral cancer screening, which goes a long way in ensuring perfect oral health. However, behavioral change toward one's lifestyle will significantly play a leading role in reducing oral cancer development.


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