You should pay much more attention to your body

Welcome, all to my new and refreshing venture that is just beginning to become a passion to me as well. Join me as I unravel some of the mysteries around healthy living and keeping fit. This is a blog that seeks to go through some of the newest trends that we have in the current world, especially on what we do to look out for in our health.
The crazy thing is that some of us never even watch on their health and it gets a bit devastating because we have so much of lifestyle diseases and so it’d be great if we all kept a stride with the beneficial practices of our health.
Let us take a look at some of the new trends that are here with us in the health sector. Technology has brought about so many beneficial things, and some of them have been helpful to many health-wise. The information which is hosted on online servers being able to be accessed by millions of people in the world enables knowledge to be decentralized, and therefore, we can pick on what is helpful to us. The most exciting health trends are; charcoal-based foods and drinks, counting of calories, the keto diet, the Alkaline water diet, and the juice cleansers.

With the alkaline water diet, even before you get to begin on it, you need to know that our bodies have mechanisms to try and maintain the bodies’ pH to a very narrow range. It is therefore essential that you visit your physician if not a doctor before you can decide on starting on such a diet. Your health is on the verge of crushing if you do not pay attention to your body.
Take as much water as you may need but also maintain the other nutrients. The alkaline water diet is composed of more fruits and vegetables with less processed foods and high cholesterol and fatty foods.

You must have heard of detox diets. Such diets are there to remove all those harmful toxins from your body. We mostly get such from the junk foods that we consume daily. This is the part where juice cleanses come in; with these, your body gets a fresh clean up, and you also feel refreshing. Let us not forget, though that our bodies also need other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, carbs, and fiber to function in the best way possible. The best form of these juices is that which has been squeezed freshly with no additives.
Whenever I hear of the word charcoal, two things come to my mind. That is dark and a form of energy. It comes as a surprise when I am told that charcoal may be used in the body in some unique way. Activated charcoal is helpful when we are taking it in between meals and some hours after you have had any vitamin supplements. The only thing you should be well aware of is the fact that charcoal could inhibit the absorption of nutrients in your body. The beneficial thing with it is that it may help in the trapping of toxins in the body.

The ketogenic diet; what have you heard about it? Here is what you need to know about it. A ketogenic diet, also referred to as the keto diet is a form of diet whereby you seek to receive more calories from protein-based foods and less from the carbs. The primary reason is to reduce easily digestible carbohydrates. This diet is focused on losing weight.
Do not go into it if your primary goal is not to lose weight as you may be shocked! This happens through the process of ketosis whereby after your body does not receive at least 50 grams of carbs in a day, it resorts to breaking down fat and proteins for energy and in the process you lose weight.


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